9th of April – noon position: 10.54'N 27.27'W distance covered in the last 24 hours 148 nm
Map with position and path
day two and three have been quiet on-board, the wind is gradually decreasing, and we unfurl more and more sail to make the most of the wind while it lasts, as the zone around the equator is known for it's calms, the doldrums. Other than one or two freighters which pass about 40 nm away and which we cannot see and wouldn't know of if not for their position beacons. We haven't seen any sign of human life in the last 48 hours. There has been no sign of the other yachts which left the Cape Verdies for Fernando da Nouronha around the same time as we did, which can be explained by differences in speed between the yachts and different strategies for the crossing and making the most of the wind.
One particularity of this particular crossing is that you sail southwards far more than westwards: 22 degrees to the south and 7 degrees to the west. The sun is almost straight above at noon now.
More news tomorrow
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